The TARA Project is creating the first non-surgical, neurostimulation medical device to efficiently treat chronic migraine

Improve Accessibility, Reduce Cost and Enhance Quality of Life

Chronic migraine affects approximately 2% of the world's population. The World Health Organization classifies severe migraine attacks as among the most disabling invisible illnesses. Migraine affects three times as many women as men.

The direct and indirect costs of Chronic Migraine are significant at €95Bn to the EU.

Treatments start with pharmaceutical drugs, botox and nerve blockers which can be effective but often are expensive and have undesirable effects. Neurostimulation products that deliver electrical pulses have been up to 80% effective but are designed for the back, not the neck which results in high rates of surgical revisions. This leaves the chronic migraine population severely underserved.

Our ambition is to increase accessibility to treatment by reducing the cost and risk of associated medical interventions. TARA is developing 4 digital solutions to treat migraine episodes with higher accuracy.

TARA is also part of the Zenodo community, an open-access repository where researchers can read and download our work and results. Click here to join our Zenodo community.

Our Partners

Ten partners from seven countries across Ireland, Italy, Ukraine, Belgium, Slovenia, United Kingdom and Switzerland.

Smart Medtech Helix

The Smart Medtech Helix is hosted on the Crowdhelix open innovation platform is anchored by the TARA Project. This digital community is geared towards those in health and smart technology with the aim of unlocking the full potential of new medical devices, tools, technologies & digital solutions for chronic migraines.

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